I am Jenny Andersén
Frontend Developer
Jenny is a Junior Frontend Developer with growing expertise in JavaScript, React, TypeScript, and Node.js. She is currently finishing a Web Developer Bootcamp, where she has strengthened her abilities in building modern, responsive web applications. Having worked 8 years as a Digital Designer and Webmaster, she has transitioned into web development and is ready to bridge the gap between design and development. Her focus is on creating responsive and visually engaging user experiences. Jenny combines technical skills with an eye for detail and has a constant passion for learning more.

- CSS3
- Javascript ES6
- React
- Styled Components
- Tailwind
- Accessibility
- Node.js
- Mongo DB
- Express.js
- Building APIs
- VS Code
- Postman
- Git
- Figma
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe After Effects
- Slack
- CMS systems
- Digital Design
- Web design
- Agile methodology
- Illustration
- Motion Graphics
- Video editing
Featured projects

Artist shop
For my final project at Technigo I created an online shop for my artwork.

Todo app
A To do app using Zustand for state management.
Happy Thoughts App
Practiced React state skills by fetching and posting data to an API, building a project where you can post and share happy thoughts.
What's the weather?
A weather dashboard that uses a weather API to tell today's weather and temperature and a 4-day forecast.
Music Releases
A React project with components that use data from Spotify.

Movies App
A multi-page React application displaying movies from an API.

The French Bot
A functional chatbot interface using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Creating a chatbot that can interact with users that wants to learn French.

Binge App
The task was to create a business one-pager website that contains an image or video header and a signup form.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ES6, JSX, React, React Hooks, Tailwind, Flexbox, Node.js, MongoDB, Web Accessibility, APIs, Mob-programming, Pair-programming, Git, GitHub, Vite, API Integration.